Trouble logging in

If you're having difficulty logging into your account on Scholastica, don't despair! Please take a look through our troubleshooting tips:

Common Login issues

Missing confirmation email

This is the most common reason that users are unable to login to their account. After creating your account, you must confirm your email address by finding the email with the subject "Confirmation instructions" in your inbox. You must click the link in order to confirm your email address and then successfully login to your account. If you can't find the instructions we recommend:

  1. Start by checking your SPAM folders. Sometimes Scholastica's automatic emails can get sorted to your spam folder (or Promotions/Social tabs in gmail) -- you may want to check there for the confirmation email.
  2. Add "" to your trusted contacts in your address book. This will help to route our automatic emails to your inbox. 
  3. Re-send the confirmation email by clicking the "Didn't receive confirmation instructions?" link at the bottom of the login page.

Forgot password

Do you know the email address you used for your Scholastica account, but cannot remember your password? Not a problem!

To reset your password, you'll just click "Forgot your password?", enter your email address, and be sent an email with a link that will prompt you to reset your password.

Forgot email address

Are you sure that you signed up for Scholastica at some point, but can no longer remember the email address you used to sign up? Reach out to us at and we can help you reclaim your account. 

Institutional account managers

If you are an institutional account administrator managing sponsored authors, please go here to login :