Table submission guidelines for typesetting customers
Providing tables for article production
Tables should be embedded inside the main DOCX file. Tables must be editable, cell-based objects.
When should I make a table into a figure?
Use tables for data only; graphs and other illustrations should be submitted as figures.
If your table has a complicated structure, the best option is to submit your table as a figure instead. In addition, Scholastica may convert your table into a figure if it does not meet our standards for inclusion as a table.
Text formatting guidelines for tables
- Use only separate cells, ordered lists, or unordered lists, or to separate content within the same cell into individual lines - do NOT use spaces, tabs, html tags, or line breaks inside a table.
- Symbols indicating statistical significance should appear in the same cell as the value and should not have their own column.
- To highlight individual values in tables, you may use boldface type, italic type, or a single color of shading (note: the shading color is standardized so will not exactly match what you provide). Do not use multiple colors of shading, underline, or font size to highlight values in tables. Do not use color to indicate meaning.
- Text color is limited to black.
- Images or figures cannot be placed inside of tables—they must be formatted separately.
- Justification of the text will be followed as provided.
Table formatting
Table titles
- Each table must have an accompanying title that is descriptive (for example, “Table 1. The effect of age on income” rather than “Table 1”).
- Tables should be numbered consecutively as they appear using Arabic numbers. Tables should not be numbered 1A, 1B, etc.
- All footnotes will appear below the table.
- If your table has equations, we recommend that you avoid using a footnote within the equation due to potential confusion over whether a superscript number/character is part of the equation or not.
Multi-section tables
- Tables with multiple sections must have the same number of columns across all sections. If that isn’t possible, you can divide the table into multiple tables. Do not insert tables within tables or cells within cells if you want the table formatted as tabular data - otherwise, export the table as a figure.
- All text should be normally readable (not sideways).
- To have content appear on separate lines within the same cell, insert a list. Do not use line breaks, spaces, or tabs.
Scholastica will try to reproduce your table as provided. If the table provided does not meet these guidelines, Scholastica will make minimal changes to structure the table correctly. If needed, Scholastica will contact the authors and/or editors to suggest changes, or request they re-format the table following these guidelines, or convert the table into a figure.