How does publishing work on Scholastica?

What types of content can my journal publish on Scholastica?

  1. Articles: an article published outside of an issue as a standalone or as part of an issue
  2. Issues: collection of articles
  3. Blog posts: news or information published to your journal's timeline on Scholastica

How do I publish an issue?

The first step in publishing an issue with Scholastica is to create an issue! Just click the blue "New" button and select "Issue" from the dropdown

  You will then fill out high-level information about your issue. This includes:

  1. Volume (required)
  2. Issue Number (optional)
  3. Lede (required)
  4. Year (required)
  5. Description of the issue (recommended)
  6. Issue Image (required)
  7. Title (recommended)

Why do descriptions, issue images, and titles matter?

If your readers are studiously poring through your issues in chronological order, then volume and issue numbers may be all that's required to find what they're interested in reading. Your readers will, however, likely have an easier time discovering the content that's of interest to them if there are meaningful descriptions to skim paired with attractive, on-topic images.

We recommend ( based on research we've read) that you select a color image that is both attractive and relevant. Research on the topic has turned up compelling evidence like, "Eye-tracking studies show internet readers pay close attention to information-carrying images. In fact, when the images are relevant, readers spend more time looking at the images than they do reading text on the page" and researchers found that colored visuals increase people's willingness to read a piece of content by 80%. 

If you'd like to search through a database of open-access, attribution-free images to select one for your issue or article, just go the 'create issue' or 'edit issue' page and click "choose image from library" then enter a few search terms in the search box.

Animated gif showing how to use the image search function

You can learn more about best practices for publishing a modern journal online here.

Adding articles to your issue

Once you've filled in the issue details, the next step is to add articles to the issue. If you haven't created your articles yet, you'll want to stop here and take care of that first. To create a new article, you can click the blue "New" button and choose "PDF Article" from the dropdown or "Typesetting Request" if you'd like to request a typeset article.

If you have manuscripts that were accepted and peer-reviewed within Scholastica, you can import the article details for publication on the New Article page. Just click "Import it here".

Once you have created all of your articles, you can add them to your issue. To add an article just click "Add an article" on the Articles page. Next, click '+ Add' for each article that you would like to appear in the issue.

Once you've added all of your issue's articles, you can edit the order of the articles if need be by dragging the articles into the order you'd like. When you're ready, click 'Save articles'.

The final step is clicking the "publish issue" button. Once published, your issue will be found on your journal's public profile page on Scholastica. Please note that if you save an unpublished article to an already published issue, that article will then become published as well.

Once you've published articles on Scholastica, Google Scholar should start indexing your articles 6-8 weeks from the date they're published. Learn more about Google Scholar indexing here

How do I publish an article outside of an issue?

With Scholastica, your journal can always publish articles as soon as they're ready. Wondering why you should publish articles outside of an issue? Read why here

To publish an article outside of an issue, click on the "Publishing" tab, click the blue "New" button, and select article. Once you've filled out each section, click "Publish Article" to immediately publish the article as a standalone piece. Any articles not already in another issue can later be compiled into an issue and published that way as well.

An easy way to check if your articles have been added to an issue is to look at the 'Status' column on your articles table. 

How do I publish a blog post?

These are for any type of free-form post - like a call for papers or other journal news.

To publish a new blog post, all you have to do is go to the "Publishing' tab, click the blue "New" button and select "Blog post" from the dropdown.

Next, write the content of your post.

Then, choose an appropriate and engaging image or upload your own.  You can also attach any files or issue a specific Publication Date (Note: a Publication Date is defaulted to choose the day that you publish the post. If you are transferring posts from a former website, you can choose the Publication Date to be the original date of publication).  Finally, click the "Publish" button to first save your post.  You can then choose to publish the post immediately to your website on Scholastica or hold onto the post to publish at a future time.  

Readership on Scholastica

To learn more about Publishing Analytics on Scholastica that help you track readership, downloads, unique visitors to your site, and more check out our Publishing Analytics guide here.

To learn more about being an editor in general, check out our Editor Guide.