How do I manage manuscript tags?
Manuscript tags can be applied to individual manuscripts and are only visible to editors. Tags are helpful for grouping and searching manuscripts on the manuscript table page.
To learn about how to create tags, please click here.
Viewing tags
The Journal Admin should visit My Journals > Peer Review > Peer Review Settings > Manuscript Settings > Manuscript Tags:
There you will see a list of all tags currently used by your journal as well as the number of times a tag has been applied to a manuscript:
Renaming tags
Say you would like to change all manuscripts currently tagged with "constitutional-law" to instead be tagged with "con-law". You can accomplish this by renaming the "constitutional-law" tag. To rename a tag, click the edit icon within the "Manage manuscript tags" table and complete the form.
Deleting tags
When you create manuscript tags, they're added to your journal's historical repository of tags. If that number of unique manuscript tags climbs too high, it can affect your account's performance (and just generally become unwieldy for your team when trying to sort through all the old tags!).
Accordingly, we recommend thinking of creating tags like you create folders on your computer: they should be used to organize content, be intended for repeated use, and to make it easy for you to search and find all papers with that given tag later.
When you delete a tag, it will be removed from all manuscripts where that tag is present. To delete a tag, click the delete icon in the "Manage manuscript tags" table.
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