Can I submit a review for a reviewer?
Reviewers can easily indicate their willingness to do a review through Scholastica, but sometimes they prefer to communicate outside the system. When a reviewer doesn't want to create a Scholastica account, you can still work with them to get their feedback on a manuscript.
As an editor, you can take the following actions on behalf of a reviewer:
Accept or Decline a review
If a reviewer lets you know they can't do a review, but doesn't actually click Decline
on the invitation, you can Decline the invitation on their behalf in the Actions menu.
Similarly, if they are willing to give a review but choose not to create a Scholastica account, you can Accept on their behalf in the same Actions menu.
Submit a review
In the case of a reviewer who has accepted an invitation to review, but doesn't want create a Scholastica account, you'll need to submit the review on their behalf as well. Through the actions menu, click "Submit review on their behalf" and you'll be taken to the reviewer feedback form. You may want to share the reviewer form questions with the reviewers so that their responses will be easy to enter into the form if they're not creating an account and filling out the form themselves.
Submit a review on behalf of the reviewerTo learn more about being an editor, check out our Editor Guide.