Editors vs. Reviewers in Scholastica

When setting up a team of editors and reviewers on Scholastica, it's important to keep in mind exactly who can do what. Some tasks are better performed by editors, while others will be better for reviewers. It all depends on how your journal works and what you expect from a given individual.

This article describes the similarities and differences between the editor and reviewer roles in Scholastica so that you can confidently assign roles to members of your team.


Admin editor

The admin editor has the most abilities. The admin editor can access the journal's Settings section, where things like the journal's name, billing information, and reviewer form can be configured.

The admin editor also has access to the Editors section where members of the editorial team can be added and removed.


Editors cannot alter the journal's settings like the admin editor can, but they can view and act on the journal's submissions. That means they can invite reviewers, they can write reviews, they can view and send discussions, they can make publication decisions, and they can publish articles.


Reviewers have a much more limited role than editors. A reviewer can only view a manuscript that they have been specifically invited to review. They also cannot make a publication decision - they can only write a review and recommend the publication decision.