How do I manage reviewer tags?

It can be tough to navigate through your entire 'database' of reviewers on Scholastica to find the reviewer whose specialties coincide with the themes of a newly arrived manuscript. 

Luckily, you can use reviewer tags as a way to organize, sort, and describe your reviewers to make matching them to an appropriate manuscript as easy as possible!

Adding tags to reviewers

To add tags to your reviewers, go to My Journals > Select the Peer Review tab >Reviewers and click View Reviewer History under the name of the reviewer you'd like to tag.

While on the reviewer's page of history with your journal, click Manage tags under the heading "Reviewer Tags" to add any pertinent tags. You can always click Manage tags again to add or remove tags at a later date.

Searching by reviewer tags

Once you've tagged your reviewers to categorize them, you can then search by those tags on the
Past Reviewers tab of the Invite a Reviewer to a manuscript page.

Searching for tags in the Past Reviewers tab

Please note: You can only search by reviewer tags within the Past Reviewers tab.


Your reviewer tags will only be visible to you and the other editors for your journal. The reviewers themselves, authors, and editors of other journals will  not see any reviewer tags that you've added.

Click here for more information on managing your reviewers.