Requesting a typesetting

Benefits of Typesetting with Scholastica

Scholastica manages the entire typesetting process from the time we receive your Typesetting Request. Our typesetting service will:

  • Create HTML and PDF versions of your article that are integrated into your journal's Scholastica-hosted website
  • Include a standards-compliant XML version for indexes and other services
  • Send the article proof to the author and work with them to make any necessary edits
  • Upload the finished article to your Scholastica account

How do I sign up for Scholastica Typesetting?

Interested journals should contact us through our Request Typesetting Information Page

Requesting A Typesetting

Once a journal is a Scholastica Typesetting Customer, when it's ready to have an article typeset, the first step is to make a Typesetting Request. A Typesetting Request is our way for the journal to send us the information we need to start translating your files into the formats you need.

A journal may begin a new request by clicking New > Typesetting Request from the Publishing Dashboard.

You'll notice that there are three sections on the Typesetting Request page:

  • Article metadata
  • Authors
  • Files

The three sections can either have a status of not started, in progress, or done depending on the work you've done in that section.

We know that editors can get really busy so we made it easy for the request to be saved as a draft and returned to later.

Whenever you're ready for a section to be considered complete, click Save > as 'done and exit' with the Save control.

Adding Metadata

Metadata includes "high-level descriptive" information like the article title, abstract, etc. You'll also be able to specify in which one of your journal website's sections that an article should appear.

To edit the Metadata, click the box labeled Article Metadata, then fill out the fields on the page.

Whenever you're ready for a section to be considered complete, click  Save > as 'done and exit' with the Save control.

FAQ about the Metadata section

What's the lede and why does it matter?

Don't skimp on the lede! Ledes are the 'at-a-glance' text summaries that give the reader more insight into what the article is truly about. In the image below, the lede gives the reader more insight into what the article is truly about. Yes, the title mentions that the article is an ethnography of a particular page, but it's the lede that guides the reader to question whether or not the transition urban living is a positive development.

What's a DOI and why does it matter?

For an overview on what DOIs are and why you may want to consider registering DOIs for your articles, please read our help guide here.

What's the difference between article sections and article keywords?

Sections should be thought of as the broad types of published content that your journal creates, like "Book Reviews", "Research Articles", "Case Studies". Keywords are then used to add data about the specific topics covered in that article, like "post-modernism", "molecular biology", "kafka". For more information, please see our help guide here

Adding Authors

Adding authors is a pretty straightforward process. 

To edit the Author information, click the box labeled Authors, then fill out the fields on the page. The order in which they are entered will be the same order in which they're published. You can reorder the authors at any time by dragging the author boxes up or down.

For authors with more than one affiliation, click Add another affiliation and fill out the fields for each affiliation. Authors' affiliations will display in the order in which they are entered.

Whenever you're ready for a section to be considered complete, click  Save > as 'done and exit' with the Save control.

Adding Files

Finally, you'll add the article content itself — the files. To add and edit the files, click the box labeled Article Files, then add all necessary files.

NOTE: To ensure the production process is efficient and streamlined, it is imperative that all articles submitted for typesetting are in their final draft form, having already undergone comprehensive copyediting.

Copyediting refers to the detailed review and correction of a manuscript's text to improve grammar, style, terminology, and reference data. This means that your manuscript should be meticulously checked and refined for proper language use, clarity of expression, and consistency in technical terms and references by the editors and, if pertinent, by the authors, prior to submission for typesetting. For guidance on copyediting, we recommend this useful resource from the UNC Writing Center: Editing and Proofreading Tips.

The main article file must be uploaded as a .docx or a .tex (though .docx is preferred). We recommend that any figures or files be left in this main file instead of being uploaded separately.

If necessary, figures and files may be uploaded separately in the section for Figures and Tables. Images should be uploaded as .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .tif, or .svg files. Tables should be uploaded as either .docx or .xlsx files.

If you have any special instructions for Scholastica's Production team, you'll be able to leave those instructions in the "Notes" section at the bottom of the Files step page.

I peer-reviewed this article using Scholastica, can I import some of the article information?

You sure can! Any article that has gone through the peer-review process on Scholastica and been given an Accept decision can be imported into a Typesetting Request. Click the "Import it here" link and a window will open — showing a list of articles your journal accepted using Scholastica. Search for and click on the article to import it.

Importing the article fills out relevant metadata, author fields, and whatever files you then select for import and setting those sections to in progress.

How do I get back to a request I'm still working on?

The request will be on the  Publishing Dashboard with the label Typesetting Request Not Sent

Sending to Scholastica

Once all sections have been saved as done then you can begin the handoff to Scholastica by clicking the Send request button. On the Preview Page, make sure to check over your work, and then send us the request by clicking the Send Request button in the blue bar.

We guarantee a 1 week turnaround time on typesetting requests at a rate of 20 articles submitted per week. 

What happens when Scholastica is done typesetting?

The journal administrator will receive an email notifying them that the article typesetting is complete. You can either click the link in the email or go directly to your journal's Articles table in the Publishing section of your journal.

The typeset article can be found there and is unpublished

How do I publish the typeset article?

Once you click on the article in your journal's Articles Table you'll be taken to a page that's similar to the Typesetting Request page but has some key differences. A status marker under the title shows you that the article is currently unpublished. There is a "Publish" button at the bottom of the screen as well as an "other actions" link which provides you with links to preview, get a private share link, as well as delete the article.

Can I edit the article after it's been typeset?

Good question! You can edit the metadata and author information in its entirety.

For tables and figures, you can't add or edit them (since they've already been typeset) but you can edit the descriptions and captions.

Since supplemental files (e.g. datasets, appendices) don't appear in the article body, you can add or remove them to your liking.

How can I issue corrections on a published article?

Based on industry standards, we offer two ways to issue corrections on a published article : 

  1. We could make the correction to the article itself and add a new section containing a correction notice at the bottom of the article.
  2. We could typeset a second article containing the correction notice, and add corresponding links to both it and the original. Please note: There is some flexibility in where we place these links, and we would send both articles to you for feedback before marking the correction complete.

Please note: Corrections submitted after an article has been published may be subject to additional fees. Please contact to ask what fees may apply for your changes.

Deleting a Typesetting Request

If you have a typesetting request that you'd like to delete, click on it from the publishing dashboard. At the bottom of page there's a delete link.

What if I have a question that wasn't covered in this doc?

Please feel free to get in touch with us and we'd be happy to help!