How do I add tags to a manuscript?

Assign tags to a single manuscript

As an editor, on the manuscript details page, click "Add Tags" (or "Edit tags" if a tag has already been added to that manuscript) near the top of the page below the manuscript title:

This will open a lightbox where you can add tags either by typing the tag name (followed by a comma) or choosing from a list of existing tags:

After you've finished adding tags, click "Save tags" to commit your changes.

For more information on managing tags, please click here.

Assign tags to multiple manuscripts at once

The assign tags bulk action allows you to assign tags to all of the selected manuscripts at once.

Simply select the manuscripts you want to tag from the manuscript table, choose 'Assign tags' from the bulk manuscript actions menu, and then assign one or more tags and click save.

For more information on bulk actions, please click here.