Manuscript Table
Journals that use Scholastica Peer Review will access and manage the submissions that they receive in their journal’s manuscripts table.
Whether you receive 20 submissions a day or 20 submissions a year, we have the tools you need to easily sift through your papers and find which submissions are ready for next steps from your team.
Click on a topic below to jump to that section.
- Manuscript Quick View
- Searching
- Filtering
- Edit columns
- Creating and managing views
- Law Reviews only: Expedite requests
Manuscript Quick View
When you're quickly scanning through multiple manuscripts, it can be helpful to get a quick overview of what's happening with a given manuscript without having to open up the manuscript work area. That's why we made the Manuscript Quick View which is a panel with a quick overview that you can reference while working on your manuscript table.
To open the Quick View for a manuscript, just click the icon in the far left of the manuscript row...
...which, when clicked, will open the Quick View:
The Manuscript Quick View sidepanel will include the following information:
- Manuscript status and link to visit the manuscript work area with full submission details
- Manuscript title
- Corresponding author information
- Abstract & keywords
- Approximate word count
- Reviewer invitation information and link to visit the "Invite reviewer" page for that manuscript
- Discussions and link to start a new Discussion
- Count of total number of Discussion threads for that manuscript
- Quick preview of the three Discussion message threads with the most recent activity/replies
When you're done scanning the overview, just click the "X" in the top right corner of the sidepanel to close it and resume your work on the manuscript table.
To pull up a particular subset of your manuscripts you can use the manuscript table search bar and filter sidebar.
You can search the manuscripts table by manuscript title, submitting author name, manuscript ID, and version number (for revisions).
The powerful manuscript table filters help editors organize, access, and take action on manuscripts submitted to their journal.
How to filter
To filter, open the sidepanel on the left, click the dropdown(s) for the item(s) you’d like to filter by, then select the option(s) under that dropdown to filter and only view manuscripts with those characteristics. You can repeat this process as needed to view multiple filters at once.
To remove an item from your current, filtered view, just click the X
on that particular item at the top of the table.
Filtering options
Manuscript Status
There are three main statuses on Scholastica: Under Review, Accepted, and Inactive with more granular sub-statuses like “Desk rejected” and “Withdrawn”, etc. making it easy for the editorial team to pull up just the papers they need. Read more about the manuscript statuses here.
Assigned editor
Anyone who has been invited as an editor to your journal can also be designated as the “assigned editor” for a paper. You can have one editor assigned at a time.
Review Status
Once you’ve invited reviewers to your papers, you can easily group papers by their review status:
- Late responses or reviews: The deadline you set for the review has been passed without the review being submitted
- Pending reviews: There are accepted reviewer invitations, but the review itself hasn’t yet been submitted
- Unanswered invitations: You’ve invited reviewers, but they haven’t yet told responded to your invitation to review
- Target # of reviews submitted: If you use the 'target number of reviewers' feature, you'll use this filter to pull up all papers that have met your target number of submitted reviews.
- Fewer than target # of active reviewers: If you use the 'target number of reviewers' feature, you'll use this filter to pull up all papers that have not yet met your target number of submitted reviews.
Reviews Received
This filtering option allows you to pull up only the papers that have received a specific number of submitted reviews.
Invitations Sent
Use this filter to pull up manuscripts to which you have invited specific numbers of reviewers.
Article type (if enabled)
If you have customized your submission form to ask authors to select an article type when submitting their paper, you’ll see an option to filter by those journal-created article types.
Manuscript tag
You can filter by one editor-added manuscript tag at a time.
Edit columns
Resizing columns
If you’d like to focus on particular information in your manuscript table, you can widen the column with that data to make it easier to read.
To resize a column, mouse over the dividing line between the column headers, click and drag your cursor to the desired width.

Once you’ve resized your columns and want to reset the widths to their default size, you can do so by clicking the “Manage views” dropdown and then clicking “Reset column widths”.
Add/remove/reorder columns
Another way to feature only the information you care about (and remove information that’s not necessary for you when scanning your table) is to edit which columns show in your table.
To add, remove, or reorder the columns in your table, just click “Customize table” to open the column editing view.
Once you’re in the column editing view, you can remove entire columns from your view by either unchecking the column title on the left or clicking the X
for that column title on the right. To rearrange the column view to spotlight particular data first, you’ll click and drag that column title under the “Arrange columns” header to your desired order.
Creating views
You will likely want to adjust which columns and filters are set, based on the type of work you’re doing. To make it easy to pull up that exact set of columns and filters, you can create a manuscript table view.
When you make a view, you’ll be able to revisit that exact view with all filters and columns precisely set at the click of a button.
To create a view, first set up your filters exactly as you’d like to save them. To continue editing and then saving that view and adding it to your personal ‘views’ list, just click “Manage views” at the top right of the table, then click “Create a new view”. You'll then be prompted to name your view, make any desired changes to the columns included in that view, and save your changes.
Accessing your saved views
Once you have a view saved, you can revisit that view in two clicks by clicking the “Views” dropdown, then selecting your chosen view.
Editing and deleting saved views
To edit a view that you’ve created previously, just click the “Views” dropdown, select your chosen view, make your desired changes to your filters, etc. before clicking “Save changes” to update that existing view. If you’d like to save your adjusted filters as a new view, you’ll just click “Manage views” > "Create a new view".
To delete a view that you’ve created previously, click the “Views” dropdown, navigate to the view you'd like to remove, then click "Manage views" > "Delete this view".
Proxy submissions
If you need to upload a manuscript on behalf of an author because they’re unable to complete their submission on their own, you can do so as a proxy submission. Our help document here has more information.
Law Reviews only: Expedite requests
If your journal is a law journal that uses expedites, you can scan expedite request details at a glance in the manuscript table.
To view the details of the five most recently-created expedite requests for an individual manuscript, just click the hyperlinked expedite request details in that cell to open the expedite details sidepanel.